
n. the realization that each random passerby is living a life as vivid and complex as your own


Both the Water and City excerpts are written in relation to the Sky. I recommend reading that one before each of the other two.


What: Write about movement. Sit and watch the world go by. Notice the differences between land and water and sky.

-s is for sky-

From here, I can see everything.

I can see the way that things weave into one another without losing their individuality. Complimenting each other while standing completely beautiful alone too. Nothing compromising its integrity to become more suited to its surroundings.

And nothing.

While everything is seen, nothing comes with an explanation. No specifics. Its like I’m looking at the cover of a novel with no idea about the stories it holds. Devoid of detail, it’s hard to tell whether the world is more or less beautiful.

The big picture but not details.

Although it’s difficult to determine how its beauty changes with distance, I can say that: from up here, the world seems so small. The farther away from something you get, the less meaning it seems to have. Maybe this air of mystery is why I love the sky.

Up here, I’m gliding among the clouds and stars.

Like the clouds, I’ve floated upward only to be returned to the ground. And like the stars, you’ll see me only if you’re looking.

Both ever-present even if they’re unseen.

Existing up here in different ways- as silent observers and the silently observed. As they look down, they are also looked up to (by only the most curious of eyes).

Up here, its like life pauses for a while- taking that break we all wish that it would.

Looking down, everything seems to be moving in slow-motion. No struggle is visible, only movement. Its impossible to tell who, or what, or why. So, I make my own stories.

Time passes below you yet not around you,

So I look down add meaning to the movement. Giving it a purpose in my mind, making it relevant again- but in a way different than it truly is. This way that makes sense to only me, and only in this moment.

the sky doesn’t live on a clock, it creates it.

The days pass as it dictates. Whether they be bright or bleak. It forces open tired eyes as it chooses and bodes them farewell as it casts shadows over the world, returning the sun to its resting place for the night.

What: Write about movement. Sit and watch the world go by. Notice the differences between land and water and sky.

-w is for water-

Below the sky, lies another force.

This one seemingly less impactful in its presence.. Seemingly. This sky on land is one just as strong and sure of its capabilities. Fostering life in a completely different way.

It too flows.

Mirroring the appearance and sentiments of the sky in itself, yet also contradicting them. It’s like an alternate universe. In its generosity, it gives life to everything the air cannot, but snatching it from others. In small quantities, it essential to even our survival, but in abundance, it can prove to be detrimental.

Often, it’s seen as nothing more than scenery.

So selfish so many of us are, to think that its presence is for only our viewing pleasures. As we lock up its inhabitants in glass boxes, giving their life no other purpose than to be beautiful. We ignore everything that it is and everything that does.

But it exists as so much more than that.

Down here, seeing it up close, it’s easy for me to forget how it’s essential to the life of everything, and everyone. It’s easy for me to get caught up in its movement. And so I, looking at its depth with my shallow point of view, reduce its existence to superficiality.

Looking past it surface, examining it more closely so much can be seen

This is how I know, while distance lets me skim over imperfections and struggle, it takes away from the real beauty: the experience.

From far away, nothing is important, but up close- everything is.

As the distance grows smaller and smaller, the real story becomes more visible. And that’s what water teaches me about life: From a distance, every story a figment of my imagination. Only as I come closer will I be able to see what is real…BUT even then, I won’t necessarily understand it.

While the sky provides the comfort of distance, water brings me into close proximity with life.

From afar the world’s mystery is enchanting. But looking closely, I realise that none of that mystery is lost. My knowledge is still limited.

Both of them, they’re home

Not for me, but to so much other than me. It’s a world just as unexplored as space, I can only wonder what lies within it- who and what and how. And even if it’s not home, it’s homely. Providing comfort to all those that seek it.

There are so many questions… But on earth and in the sky these two bodies exist only to give life. What comes of it is up to us. I am subject to the whims of their flows yet free to create a life of my own. Those around me do the same, I will just never know how, or what, or why.

What to do there: Write about shapes and signs. Write about angles. Explore how people and traffic use the intersection – if you can view it from a bird’s-eye view, great; if not, write what you imagine it would look like from above. Describe how the roads connect and how the intersection is organised.

-c is for city-

The people,

Falling in line with the whims of the sky, they live their lives. Around a clock they cannot control, they plan their days and night. Some live and some just survive.

while from here they are unseen, their actions are not.

None of them think too deeply about it, neither do I. We all forget that nothing is meaningless. Like dominoes, all of our lives crash and fall into one another’s. Each moment has an influence on the rest, most times without ever having been in contact.

Lights flicker on and off, following people

Light follows where there is life, even the sky can’t control that.

Whole skylines are illuminated with a simple flick

I realise just how much power we have, I have. We break the consistency of the sky, from the ground, without ever really trying to. With light, and so much else, we take control over our lives. We make our own clock.

Putting the old travelling stars to shame,

killing them a second time.

Having come so far to see us, they are let down. During their long travels, we have found a replacement. They are no longer noticed or needed. The world is too occupied to see them.

Highways weave through the fabric of the land,

Breaking apart land to bridge people. There we go again, changing the world built for us to make one we can control.

looking so much longer from up here.

I guess you can never really how far you’re going till you’ve gotten there

Hindsight…or down sight, in this case, is always clearer.

So much is gained from stepping away and looking back. The sky teaches me that.

From up here, everything seems so peaceful,

From up here, seemingly everything is perfect. Nothing makes noise or causes trouble.

so simple.

Devoid of detail, the world goes silently on by.

None of the gears show.

Without having to look too closely, everything seems to fall into each other so perfectly. No hitches.

Only the clock ticks,

In a world we have begun to control, this remains the only constant. Returning us to out rightful place. This consistency reminds us of how powerless we truly are.

and only because the sky lets it.

As we begin to believe that we have full control over our lives, we discredit all of the forces that influence it. We are products of everything around us. This impact is left so easily forgotten because it slips in through the shadows. Nobody has ever seen it coming, even while expecting it. The world and the people around us leave us forever changed. It doesn’t matter who or what or why or how. The only thing that matters is the recognition of its existence

A little clarification:

For as long as I can remember, my lack of insight into the lives of those around me has always been hugely apparent. During one particularly aimless internet adventure, I stumbled upon the word “sonder”. Never had I encountered something that encapsulated this exact feeling so perfectly in such few words. Since then, this idea/emotion/realisation …whatever… has become an obsession of mine. So, finding a connection to it through each of these various locations was fairly easy for me.

As I wrote this piece, it really had no direction, I wrote freely hoping to gain inspiration from just word vomiting. From that word vomiting came this piece. The italicised descriptions are meant to depict my thought process and analysis of each line. Without these side notes, the piece still stands- maybe you can add your own analyses 😉

If you have any question, please leave them below- I know this piece may be a little confusing.

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4 thoughts on “Sonder

  1. Dear Kanchan,

    This post was worth the wait. As usual, your writing was thought provoking and a little trippy while staying understandable and easy to follow. That is not an easy feat. Also, I got strong Jandy vibes, which I LOVE.

    Some of my favorite lines were, “Time passes below you yet not around you” and “the sky doesn’t live on a clock, it creates it”, and the whole first stanza of the city poem. Okay, to be honest, all the lines are my favorite lines.

    I think what really struck me about the sky/time lines was the fascinating subject matter. I can tell you are a deep thinker who can take a philosophical concept – like the nature of time – and weave it poetically and eloquently into your writing. (What does it feel like to be perfect?)

    Also, I love the concept of sonder too. And this piece is such a fresh way to look at it – not only from the perspectives of individuals but from the perspectives of the natural forces around us.

    Amazing job! Hurry up and post your other blogs so I can have my mind blown.


    1. Lauryn,
      Thank you for waiting so patiently! I’m so happy to hear that you enjoyed my piece. I didn’t notice her stylistic influence on this piece until you pointed it out, you are so right! So many Jandy vibes! Its safe to say reading her work has truly affected me as a reader and writer.
      I’m glad you enjoyed the themes and ideas I threaded throughout this piece, your feedback is truly invaluable.
      I hope you enjoy my next pieces (whenever they are posted 😉 )!! Your continued support means a lot.

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